Why Page Load Time Matters In 2019

Jonesen TeamIndustry Insights

3.5 billion people are now online, and they have certain expectations when they visit a website.

You can provide the perfect visual and informative experience to your users, but your page load time can hurt the experience that you offer.

Do you know why your page speed matters? This post will tell you why.

Keep reading to learn why your page load time in 2019 is more critical than ever.

More People Than Ever Are Mobile

Mobile internet use accounts for close to 50% of all internet users worldwide. Most mobile phones aren’t on a high-speed internet connection when they connect to the internet. They are on 3G or 4G.

When you deliver a website that has a large file size and large images, then it can add seconds onto your page render time.

Your mobile experience isn’t usually the same as the desktop one either. You can use mobile design principles to format the page and reduce its size. This change will provide a fast loading site that looks good on smaller screens.

It Helps You Rank in Search Engines

When search engines first appeared it didn’t take much to rank your website. A lot of people just spammed keywords on their site, and it worked at getting them to the top.

You can’t rely on this method anymore. You have to provide your visitors with an enjoyable user experience.

Google accounts for the bulk of search engine traffic worldwide and has rolled out more ranking factors in the past several years. Website speed is one of those factors. If your site is slow, Google will discount your site, and it will be harder for you to take advantage of search engine traffic.

You Only Have Seconds to Capture Someone’s Attention

How long are you willing to wait to view a website?

According to a study done by the BBC, every one second added to a page load time caused their sales to decrease by 10%.

You don’t have long to make a first impression. If the first thing someone sees when coming to your website is a slow loading page that they have trouble browsing, you’re going to lose that visitor.

What Can You Do About It?

Luckily there are several ways you can improve your page speed. Use the following tips to decrease your page size and make your website load faster:

  • Minify all your code
  • Optimize and compress your images
  • Use vector images for logos
  • Lazy load images and scripts
  • Use a CDN to help deliver your content
  • Use Google PageSpeed Insights to figure out what is slowing things down

It doesn’t take that long to figure out why your site is slow. It may take time to fix things, but the increased ranking and visitors more than make up for the effort involved.

Your Page Load Time in 2019 Matters

Don’t ignore your page load time in 2019. If you publish a slow loading website then you aren’t just losing new customers, you are making your current ones not want to visit your site.

Do you need help improving your website speed? Contact us today to learn how we can help.