Time for a Makeover: The Top Signs It’s time to Redesign Your Website
You’ve created new products, expanded your hours, and even connected with local businesses to work out some cross-promotion deals.
Still, you’re just not seeing the kind of growth that your business needs to stay afloat.
So, what’s the problem you might still be overlooking?
Your company’s website.
In this post, we’ll fill you in on the top five signs that you’re in serious need of a website redesign.
Then, we’ll tell you where you can connect with experts and begin the website redesign process.
1. Traffic Has Dropped
The most obvious sign that you need a website redesign?
Traffic has slowed to a near halt or has steadily declined in the past few months.
This could be because your URL address isn’t intuitive, because links are broken, you’re not targeting the right keywords, or your website just looks outdated.
You need to act quickly to get traffic back up to normal levels, so that you can outrank your competitors in the search engine result pages.
2. Your Branding Is Inconsistent
Have you redone your logo in the past few years? Do you now have a unique font for your business or specific company colors?
Perhaps you’ve even added new products or services, switched up your target market, or changed the tone of your communication to clients.
If your current website doesn’t reflect that?
it’s time to start the website redesign process.
You don’t want muddled, inconsistent branding to cause clients to confuse you with your competitors — or completely overlook your site.
3. It Takes Too Long to Load
If your website takes more than two or three seconds to load?
Users will navigate away from it, pushing you down in the search engine rankings.
Enabling browser caching, minimizing HTTP requests, rethinking your hosting platform, and more should be a huge part of your new website strategy.
4. Your Site Doesn’t Load on Mobile Devices
Mobile internet access has outpaced desktop Internet access for the past few years.
This means you’re losing well over half of your customer base if your website doesn’t load quickly and completely on all kinds of mobile devices.
An excess of plugins, pop-ups, and large image files all seriously hinder mobile access. Your website redesign needs to focus on ease of accessibility for mobile users.
5. It’s Not Intuitive
When someone comes to your website to make a purchase or book a service, you want it to be as simple as possible for them to find exactly what they need.
Things like clickable images, drop-down menu options, and contact information on every page make that happen.
You should also link to your social media profiles and listings on third-party review sites to build transparency.
Your redesigned website should be focused on intuitive design, and user-friendliness should be at the forefront of everything you do.
Need Help with Your Website Redesign?
So, you’re showing the signs of a need for a website redesign.
We’re here to help.
Check out our portfolio to familiarize yourself with what we do. Then, reach out to us to get started on revamping and revitalizing your website today.