This Conversion Rate Formula Is All You Need To Convert Your Site’s Visitors

Jonesen TeamIndustry Insights

The conversion process is the lifeline of any online-facing business.

It lays the foundations for high sales volume. Moreover, it serves as the most reliable metric of marketing/overall site performance.

The good news is the conversion rate formula is no mystery. Namely, to prompt visitors to take action, you have to understand the thought process behind it.

The difficult thing is practice isn’t so simple. It requires you to use a multitude of different digital tools and tricks. But, don’t fret, as we got you covered.

Here’s how to boost confidence, alleviate uncertainty, and influence behavior.

Conversion Rate Formula: An Open Secret

People come to your website for a reason.

Your chief task is to discover what drives them. So, carry out detailed research and focus on practical needs. These materialize as concrete goals, such as finding an answer to the question or buying a product.

In order to reach goals, most visitors make cost-benefit calculations. If the perceived reward outweighs the invested effort, they will covert. This is your formula in all its simplicity.

To see how it plays out in practice, you can trace past online purchases and interactions.

Use these insights to chart your roadmap to success. The customer journey begins with a visitor landing on a page and the ends with a click on a purchase button.

But, the truth is there’s a lot of going on in between as well.

A User-Centered Approach

There are several ways to get people on the conversion path.

They revolve around spurring motivation and interest. Most notably you need to have:

  • Great content
  • Easy-to-use website
  • Compelling design
  • Solutions to problems
  • Solid brand reputation

All these elements need to fall together seamlessly and create a swell user experience (UX). User-friendliness is its main anchor.

First off, make it easy for people to arrive at desired destinations. Always tell them where they are and what they should do next. Facilitate navigation and avoid presenting too many options.

Likewise, remove clutter, visual noise, and distractions. Even one more click than necessary can turn people away. The same goes for pages that take a split-second too long to load.

Thus, it’s a good idea to invest in professional web design. It fleshes out your visual identity with colors, fonts, layouts, images, media, etc. You’re able to paint a consistent picture of your brand and make a strong first impression!

Covering All the Bases

Once that is sorted out, dig into other specifics.

Conduct A/B testing to fine-tune your landing pages. Figure out the best versions of key on-page elements like headlines. Investigate heat maps to see how people interact with your digital environment.

Make all vital information easily accessible, visible and readable. Use your homepage to explain what sets you apart from the competition. Highlight your unique value proposition, such as same-day or free local delivery.

Furthermore, display evidence of your trustworthiness. It can come in the form of customer testimonials, expert interviews, case studies, and social proof. Check out how Amazon utilizes both quantitative and qualitative evidence.

You also need to leverage content to connect with people on an emotional level. Words only go so far, especially when it comes to retaining attention. Therefore, master the art of visual storytelling for maximum impact.

The final missing ingredient comes in the form of web analytics. You have to measure and test your site performance in the light of conversion rates. Embark on a journey of constant learning and improvement.

Name of the Game

Conversion rates are a vital piece of the success puzzle.

They allow you to guide consumer behavior and capitalize on traffic coming your way.

Start optimizing them by gathering meaningful data and mapping out a visitor journey. Get clear of what you want to achieve and grasp the needs of your target audience. Find a way to align these two parts of the equation.

While at it, strive to build relationships, prove your credibility, and inspire trust. Be a problem-solver and promise-keeper. Feel free to contact us if you need help with your web design.

Over time, you should be able to refine the conversion rate formula and translate it into revenue. It’s time to get ahead of the game!