Bootstrapping Determined Business Owners

Jonesen TeamIndustry Insights

Branson business owners are probably the most scrappy of all of our customers for a simple reason, nothing is predictable in the Branson economy.  When Jonesen decided to open our webdesign shop in Branson we did it out of a love for the special class of business owners that exists in the area.  No where else had we experienced a group of people who all shared the same level of bootstrap determination that can be seen in the eyes of people that inhabit this peculiar corner of the Ozarks.

When asked what business is like in the area, I usually start the conversation sharing that we have a farm near a lake called Taneycomo.  The usual question that follows is “What do you grow on your farm?”.  Only half jokingly I reply “rocks and cedar trees”.  Like the cedar trees that cover the hills around Branson, business owners in this area push down and spread their roots wide in the inhospitable rocky soil in search of the pockets of nourishment.  When the rain comes it happens fast and does not stay for long in that same rocky soil.

Success for Jonesen is helping Branson business owners use the tool of a well designed and curated website to reach further afield past the rocky hills to new markets and customers.  For our clients, the tracking metrics, from their Jonesen website, give insight into their customer base before those customers arrive into town. Simply put when data guides meets scrappy determination success happens.