Do I Need a Website Designer to Build My Professional Website?

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Did you know that half of small businesses fail within the first five years? With this ominous statistic in mind, many startups seek to keep operating expenses down from the beginning.

One area where business owners seek to minimize expenses is website development. There are over 1 billion websites on the internet. This plethora of content is partly due to the availability of DIY website building tools.

Small business owners face a tough question of whether to use a DIY resource or hire a website designer. Read on to learn more about this debate. Explore the benefits of hiring an expert over a DIY website builder.

Why Are DIY Website Development Tools So Popular?

Simply put, DIY website builders are popular because they are cost effective. If you are willing to do some homework, a technologically savvy user can launch a website on a limited budget.

Website builders like WordPress or Wix are easy to use. They allow you to select a pre-designed website template.

The template is then customized with your company’s content. Perhaps you add a blog or a contact page. Many additional features are available by installing a free plugin.

What Is the Downside of the DIY Approach?

There are a few negative aspects of using DIY website builders. For starters, you are required to select a cookie-cutter website template. This approach is not well-suited for artistic owners with a grand vision for their company’s website.

In addition, the best capabilities are not always available. There are things you can do by coding in CSS or HTML that cannot be achieved with pre-set functions and code.

Also, DIY website builders use ineffective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plugins. This has a negative impact on web traffic to your site. SEO is not an issue when you have a website design expert that knows how to rank high in a Google search.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Website Designer?

A good website developer has the ability to bring your company vision to life. From a resources perspective, your company no longer needs to waste labor hours on DIY website building. Instead, your employees can work on other tasks that help the company grow.

Additionally, a good website developer is an expert on the appearance and features that drive web traffic. With greater web traffic, your company has the potential to convert more leads to sales and generate higher revenue.

Ultimately, the primary benefit is that a professional can customize a website that fits your company’s needs. The final product is more likely to reflect the company’s vision and communicate a product or service to potential clients. While this is possible with a pre-determined template, it is much more difficult to achieve this.

Your website designer also places an emphasis on areas not captured by a template. For instance, a professional will put security measures in place to make sure your website cannot be hacked.

Wrapping It Up

The debate over website builders versus designers typically boils down to cost. If you have a modest budget to build a company website, the recommended choice is to hire a professional.

They can customize a website that matches your company’s vision and drives web traffic. If you are interested in hiring a website designer, contact us today to set up an appointment.